The Tiger’s Whisker

In language arts we did a project based on a book called wisdom tales. The book has a lot of different folk tales in it from all around the world. We were assigned to make a project based on one of the many stores in the book. I picked a story called The Tiger’s Whisker

In our project, we did a script that acted out the story. I was partnered up with Cayden and Reed. In the story there was a man that got home from war and he would not talk to his wife. 

So the wife set out to find a person that could make a love potion. She needed this potion to make her husband love her again. The magic man told her that she had to go get a tiger’s whisker to make the potion. So she set off to find a tiger. She found a tiger and every day she brought a piece of meat closer and closer. Finally, she snipped a whisker off and she brought it back to the magic person and he threw it in a fire. He said to the wife if you can get a tiger’s whisker you can get your husband to love you.

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