NC Museum Of Natural Sciences

Last week the 6th graders went to the NC museum of Natural Sciences. We went there for the whole day. There were many things to see a the museum so I’m just going to tell you about some of my favorite parts of the museum. One of the first things that we saw when we walked in the museum was a replica of the Titanic hitting an iceberg. 

On the second floor there was a snake exhibit and that was really cool to see. When you first walk into the museum you will see a giant globe witch you can go inside and watch a movie in. The best part of the globe is on the 3rd floor. You are on the very top of it and you can almost touch the ceiling.

On the second floor there is a lab where you can actually see people working on animals. There is also an animal dentist which we thought was really funny. The best part of the museum in my opinion was the 3D printing lab. In the lab there was a tun of 3D printers printing animals for the museum. 


Photo by 6th grade teacher

The Tiger’s Whisker

In language arts we did a project based on a book called wisdom tales. The book has a lot of different folk tales in it from all around the world. We were assigned to make a project based on one of the many stores in the book. I picked a story called The Tiger’s Whisker

In our project, we did a script that acted out the story. I was partnered up with Cayden and Reed. In the story there was a man that got home from war and he would not talk to his wife. 

So the wife set out to find a person that could make a love potion. She needed this potion to make her husband love her again. The magic man told her that she had to go get a tiger’s whisker to make the potion. So she set off to find a tiger. She found a tiger and every day she brought a piece of meat closer and closer. Finally, she snipped a whisker off and she brought it back to the magic person and he threw it in a fire. He said to the wife if you can get a tiger’s whisker you can get your husband to love you.

Thomas’s Backpack


In the book Finding Someplace, Reesie had to pack a backpack because a hurricane was coming. and the water levels were getting very high. 

I probably would put a flashlight into my backpack so I can see when the power is out. I would also get a bunch of batteries so my flashlight doesn’t die. I would also bring my phone so I can call for help. I would bring a portable charger if my phone dies. So these are some of the things I would bring if I was in a hurricane. 

One other thing that I would bring is a big snack so I will have some food until the water goes down. These things are the things I would grab food for because there are not going to be any drive through restaurants that would be open during this disaster. I would also bring a folding tent so I can camp out.